The Gunnison River Festival is no longer sponsoring the event so if we continue the event we will be on our own for the prizes.
Maybe a week later to have time get organized.
Is there a way to connect people with a boat to folks without boats?
A boater/non-boater meet up board?
Ask for guides to donate a boat and their time and sell their slot.
Ask/ advertise in the Montrose area for participants
Raise the cost?
Big poster/ sign up area at the film tour.
Film Tour
Wide consent to go with F3T film again for the film tour. Cost is around $900 and we usually receive $200 from the Gunnison River Festival to help with costs.
Need to solicit donations.
Will keep track of companies contacted for the film tour and Superfly. If any member contacts a potential donor then please let Briant Wiles know so he can keep track of it.
Handed out questionnaire packet for the East River Watershed as part of the Watershed Management Planning.
Discussed the four new coordinator positions that will hopefully be filled in the Feb. meeting.