Gunnison Angling Society
August Meeting Minutes
- Briant Wiles
- Bill Ketterhagen
- Jesse Kruthaupt
- Chris Matison
- Duane Johnson
- Barry Grossman
- Normin Salvin
- Terry
Meeting Notes:
New GAS Tshirts are done and for sale for $20. Everyone in attendance will receive a free t-shirt.
Adding Briant Wiles as the assigner to the GAS bank account.
- Briant Wiles Makes the motion,
- Chris Matison seconds,
- Vote: Unanimous.
Financial News.
- Tina Burinsky is our temporary bookkeeper.
- Need to find a new treasurer to take over from Mike Beatty
- There is a need to develop new financial guidelines for GAS.
- Briant Wiles will work on developing the new guidelines.
New North Bridge River Access Area
- We received a $5,000 check from Can’d Aid Foundation and RRAFT.
- We could leverage some of this funding for a matching grant from NLCLCF.
- Bill Ketterhagen makes a motion to pursue the funding opportunity,
- Duane Johnson seconds,
- Vote: Unanimous
- Jesse Kruthaupt will pursue the funding opportunity
2018 Superfly
- Debate on the pros and cons of holding the Superfly given the severe drought conditions.
- Alternatives to the normal contest were proposed.
- Vote to go forward with the 2018 Superfly
- Jesse makes a motion to hold the Superfly this year.
- Briant Wiles seconds.
- Vote: 5 to 3 opposed
- Holding a banquet dinner as a fundraising alternative was purposed later this fall.
- Briant Wiles will look into the feasibility to hold such a banquet.
(Briant Wiles)