Gunnison Angling Society
April Chapter Meeting
Maddie Renfroe
Briant Wiles
Jesse Kruthaupt
Bill Ketterhagen
Chris Matson
Bryan Hess
Ben Schloesser
Topics of discussion
Film Tour
Jesse Brought Posters for the film tour.
Ask Mark Day about possible more Dan’s Fly
Last year’s film tour raised $1,800 and is a good goal for this year.
All proceeds will go to the AAT program.
Jesse Will ask Gene Taylors for raffle prizes.
Ben will ask Irwin Guides for raffle prizes.
Briant will ask Rooted Apothecary.
Bryan will ask Prios for raffle prizes.
Briant Will ask the Gunnison River Fly Shop for raffle prizes.
A minimum of 5 people needed to help at film tour.
We will show the short UGRWCD film at the start of the film tour.
Jesse will follow up with Upslope to ensure the beer will be there.
Dan is willing to put the word out on CTU website.
AAT Update
Jesse Submitted a grant for $1,500 to support the program.
Superfly Update
Shirts, Hats, and Fleeces have been ordered and should arrive by mid-August
Some success in finding sponsorships and effort will continue.
CTU Youth Camp
A vote was taken and all were in favor of sponsoring Maddie Renfroe for this year’s camp.
Need to let Dan Omasta at CTU know that we will sponsor Maddie’s tuition.
We are still looking for one more student to sponsor this year.
Conservation Update
We pledged 100 hours and $3,000 for the Gunnison River Project several years ago. They may not need the funding now but we plan to do the 100 hours of volunteer time this spring.
On April 20th there will be a Bio-engineering workshop and Willow cutting on the Gunnison.
Jesse will follow up on how many people we want.
Bill – Greenbacks, a Front Range chapter, want to come to Gunnison for a project. We could invite them to a planting in May
We are still working on the plans but expect to have some willow planting in May.
Can’d Aid has 15 people in July for a project. (possibly the 21st) Will donate $2000 if we put them to work. Let’s put them to work!
Embrace a Stream – Must call Regional rep by the 15 of April to be in the running. Jesse has a proposal for the Bieble Ditch diversion structure ready to go. Bieble Ditch is on Tomichi Creek and is a good target for restoration.
Invisible Fence – Ask Mike to mail the conservation district a check.
We have been invoiced for the Gunnison River project.
Will send the invoice to Bill Goddard for review
CTU Rendezvous
No interest in the present group to go to the CTU Rendezvous.
GAS Logo
We discussed the logo designs that Ro Sham Bo put together and provided constructive feedback.